Pet's Name* Major complaint*Preference* Shady, cool locations (tile, hardwood floor, near a fan or a/c vent) Sunny or warm locations (soft bed, in the sunshine, near a heating vent) Personality Hyperactive Outgoing Confident Quiet, shy, less confident Interactions* Aggressive Very friendly Okay with everyone Aloof Timid/shy Greeting strangers* Barks or attacks Wags tail warmly Slow reaction Does not care Runs away/hides Patience* Yes No Excitability* Easily excitable Slow to excite Not excitable Reaction to manipulation* Cooperative Sensitive Other* Irritable Vocal Mellow/laid back Follows rules Insecure Diet - What is your pet currently eating? (diet and treats included)*Does your pet prefer cold or room temp water?* Cold water Room temperature No preference Thirst* Increased thirst Decreased thirst Normal, no change Appetite* Normal Ravenous Decreased Finicky Feces* Dry Bloody Malodorous Loose or diarrhea Normal, formed Urine Short stream Malodorous or bloody Long stream Urinary incontinence/leakage Accidents in the house or urinating outside of the box Flea and Heartworm Prevention* Medications, supplements, and herbs: list all*Owner's Full Name* Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Email* CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.