Practice Terms and Conditions

Dr. Tracy Duffner is a licensed veterinarian, a certified veterinary acupuncturist, and a certified veterinary food therapist. When seeking care from this practice, clients consent to the treatment of their animals with acupuncture, chiropractic care if appropriate, herbal remedies, the use and application of essential oils, homeopathy, nutritional advice, and behavior consultation.

All imaging, surgery, hospitalization, and procedures requiring a clinical facility will be referred to the practice most suited for the individual patient and client’s needs.

Pharmaceutical (traditional veterinary medical drugs) care and vaccinations are not routinely provided by this practice, and if the client requests these services, they will be referred to the appropriate practice to serve their animal’s needs.

Pet's Name

Chiropractic adjustments are only available to patients who have provided spinal radiographs (“x-rays”) from their regular veterinarian taken within the previous 12 months or since the pet started having back/neck pain.

Payment is accepted by cash, Venmo, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. Payment is expected at the time of invoice, which will be provided after the consultation.


As previously stated, Dr. Duffner is a sole practitioner with limited time for administrative duties due to the nature of housecall practice.

The preferred form of communication is by email, which Dr. Duffner will reply within 36 hours during the business hours of Monday - Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM. If the client needs to change an appointment, email Please do not leave a voicemail or text message for communication.


Pets who do not allow acupuncture or adjusting can still very much benefit from herbs, supplements, food therapy, and more. Pets who do not allow traditional acupuncture with needles often will accept laser acupuncture.


Dr. Duffner requires a Credit Card to be held on file in order to confirm appointments. This card will be used to charge the cancellation fee for a missed appointment.

Please sign below to consent to the above terms and conditions.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Digital Media Release Form

I give Dr. Tracy Duffner consent to record, videotape, and photograph my image and/or voice and my pet(s) image to be used in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications and social media channels, without payment or other consideration.

I hereby irrevocably authorize Dr. Tracy Duffner to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute these photos for any lawful purpose. I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photo.

Please indicate your preference below.

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Credit Card on File Agreement

Dr. Tracy Duffner will ask that a credit card be on file that may be used later to pay any balance that may be due on your bill. At the first appointment, your credit card information will be obtained and kept securely. This card will only be used in the event of a missed appointment (see Cancellation Policy) or with your consent to pay for any invoices due. If you have any questions about our policy, please do not hesitate to ask. By signing below, I authorize Dr. Tracy Duffner to keep my signature and my credit card information securely on file in my account.

If the credit card that I give today changes, expires or is denied for any reason, I agree to immediately give Dr. Tracy Duffner a new, valid credit card, which I will allow to be charged over the telephone. Even though Dr. Tracy Duffner is not processing the new card in person, I agree that the new card may be used with the same authorization as the original card I presented.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
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